223 West 700 South

Salt Lake City, UT 84101


(801) 364-6117




by | Jan 22, 2021 | Well-being

As we bid farewell to 2020, let us all give a long exhale. Followed by an equally long and hope-
filled inhale. This year has been rough on all of us. Many ways we are still trying to comprehend.
Our hope is that the bulk of 2021 brings us an easier journey, but there are never guarantees.
So, what we can do is engage in an active practice of well-being.

2020 has had all of us examining our health, our lifestyles, and our relationships with
community. And we are coming together, to find innovative fixes to systems or mindsets that do
not serve us: from unrealistic parenting standards to the way we've under-prioritized mental
health, to rethinking social justice issues.

In light of this, UNPHC EdX would like to offer some thoughts as January’s topic is Health and
Well Being. We will continue this conversation into February.

Please check out our video, about Housing and Health, and consider how your own “Social
Determinants of Health” line up with those presented.

We ask you, as part of our community, to continue to take all the safety precautions for COVID-
19, and we look forward to vaccines and a better 2021. To keep up to date on how to stay safe
and stay well, this is our go-to source of info for the state of Utah:


Happy New Year to all of you, and may you experience health and wellness and hope for a bright new day.




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