Our Mission
The mission of Utah Nonprofit Housing Corporation (UNPHC) is to improve “quality of life” by providing decent, safe, affordable housing, focusing on low- and very-low-income individuals and families.
Founded in 1967, Utah Non-Profit Housing Corporation (UNPHC) is Utah’s largest non-profit developer of affordable multi-family housing. We are a 501(c)3 organization and a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO). UNPHC has developed or acquired/rehabilitated more than 50 Family, Senior and Special Needs Properties to date, which serves in excess of 2500 households, the majority of whom make less than 20% of the area median income. More than 18,000 households have been part of the Utah Non-Profit Housing family.

Strategic Plan
Utah Non-Profit Housing Corporation’s board, staff, volunteers and many supporting partners are proud of its 50+ year long history as one of Utah’s highest performing housing development and property management organizations. Today, UNPHC provides stewardship over a $2.2 MM operating budget, $6.7 MM investment portfolio, separate legal housing entities worth more than $160 MM and production of 100-125 new units of affordable housing annually. We provide management operations for an additional 50 sites across Utah. Yet many housing needs remain unmet, while demand for affordable housing continues to rise. Responding to that need requires changes in operational staffing, infrastructure upgrades and strong financial support from all sectors of the community. Please, call us today about how you can play a role in meeting these challenges.
Serving the Community for over 55 Years